Friday 10 April 2015

A solution to the raising problem of population

In India, one of our major problem is the steadily increasing population. With the rise in population, the land available for every person reduces. Already there is huge shortage of land that people keep building tall buildings to accommodate everyone.
One alternative that is on the rise is the Dutch way of living! The Dutch to tackle the increasing population, started building houses on the sea front, water front, etc, below sea level. It is like a ship with a house built on it. These amphibious homes have hollow concrete foundation that acts like the hull of the ships, rising and falling with tides. This structure is connected to the mooring posts that keep it from drifting away.
It is an enhanced ‘ecoboat’ design where the water and wave energy will be used to heat the home and filter sea water for drinking.

You don’t have to go on a vacation to stay on a house boat. Wait for few years, you will probably build your own house boat! '

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