Thursday, 9 April 2015

Biodegradable plastic

To save the earth from plastics, a lot of activists protest against the use of plastics. A few years back the shopping malls started this trend of charging for plastic carry bags hoping it would deter the customers from buying carry bags. They hoped that the customers will bring their own carry bags and reduce the plastic consumption. But (Fortunately for the stores, and unfortunately for Earth), customers dint mind paying little bit more for those plastic carry bags. There was no reduction in plastic consumption.
Recently, some activists protested saying that majority of the waste is non degradable plastic that is harmful not only to environment but also to the future generations. And they wanted a ban on use of plastics.

When we think about where the plastics are being used, it is literally everywhere. The packaging material for almost all the product in the market is plastic. It is because, plastic comes cheap.

Some researchers in Australia have found a new material called ‘Plantic’. It looks and feels like plastic, only that plantic is made of starch and is easily dissolvable in water and degraded by earth. The company should start thinking about switching from plastic to plantic for some products at least. 

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