Thursday, 9 April 2015

Non sticky salt

Some researchers in India have found out a way to keep the salt non-sticky and let you sprinkle the salt freely on your dishes.
A little moisture in the air is taken in by the salt and the tiny cubes of salt particles gets dissolved in the moisture and they stick to one another. You might have been used to the salt becoming lumps after few days. The difficulty you face is when you have to add that tiny pinch of salt to your dish to make it extraordinary. You will not be able to take the amount of salt that you need. You will probably end up adding more salt than needed.

This new invention of adding an Amino acid to salt crystals while salt production, drastically reduces the amount of moisture the salt can absorb. This will let your salt be free of stickiness. You can now sprinkle only that tiny amount of salt on your plate. 

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